MXNet made simple: Pretrained Models for image classification - Inception and VGG
- 22 minsIn this post, we will learn how to leverage pretrained models to perform image classification. The Computer Vision task is to associate a label with an unseen image. State of the art Machine Learning models have hundred of layers and require days and sometimes even weeks to train on GPUs. MXNet enables us to leverage such models very easily. We will see how to use three common Deep Learning models: Inception and VGG.
Before we begin…
We will need to import certain packages:
(require '[clojure.string :as string])
;; MXNet namespaces
(require '[org.apache.clojure-mxnet.module :as m])
(require '[org.apache.clojure-mxnet.ndarray :as ndarray])
;; OpenCV namespaces
(require '[opencv4.core :as cv])
(require '[opencv4.utils :as cvu])
The MXNet Model Zoo
The MXNet Model Zoo is a set of pretrained models including the computation graphs and their trained parameters. We can download the models from the Model Zoo. First, let’s download VGG16 by running the following bash script
set -evx
mkdir -p model
cd model
cd ..
: serialized computation graph that can be loaded by MXNetvgg16-0000.params
: binary file containing theNDArrays
of the trained parameters
Let’s also download the Inception pretrained models
set -evx
mkdir -p model
cd model
mv Inception-BN-0126.params Inception-BN-0000.params
cd ...
We will also need to download the ImageNet categories which are essentially a mapping from integer classes to human readable strings.
$ wget
$ head -10 synset.txt
n01440764 tench, Tinca tinca
n01443537 goldfish, Carassius auratus
n01484850 great white shark, white shark, man-eater, man-eating shark, Carcharodon carcharias
n01491361 tiger shark, Galeocerdo cuvieri
n01494475 hammerhead, hammerhead shark
n01496331 electric ray, crampfish, numbfish, torpedo
n01498041 stingray
n01514668 cock
n01514859 hen
n01518878 ostrich, Struthio camelus
Pretrained Models
Before we dive into the code, we can compare the different pretrained models that we have downloaded. Choosing the right model for your application comes down to understanding the tradeoffs and the choices you have.
- What is your RAM constraint for running the model?
- How fast does the model run on CPU, GPU?
- What is the error rate you can deal with?
Below is a table that summarizes some key metrics for the three different models we will be using:
VGG16 | Inception v3 | |
RAM required | 528 MB | 43 MB |
Number of Parameters | 140 million | 25 million |
Error Rate (ImageNet Challenge) | 7.4% | 5.6% |
Topology |
If you want to learn more about the MXNet vizualization API, it is covered in a previous post here.
Winner of the 2014 ImageNet challenge by achieving a 7.4% error rate on image classification. It is a model built from 16 layers - Research Paper
Inception v3
Published in December 2015. It achieved 15-25% more accurate predictions than the best models at the time while being six times cheaper computationally and using five time less parameters - Research Paper
Performing image Classification with pretrained Models
Loading the models
Now that the models are on your disk, MXNet can load their computation graphs and the pretrained parameters (weights and biases). First, we define where the models are located and the size of the images that we will feed into the Models.
(def model-dir "model/")
(def h 224) ;; Image height
(def w 224) ;; Image width
(def c 3) ;; Number of channels: Red, Green, Blue
Time has come to load the models with the MXNet Module API.
;; Loading VGG16
(defonce vgg-16-mod
(-> {:prefix (str model-dir "vgg16") :epoch 0}
;; Define the shape of input data and bind the name of the input layer
;; to "data"
(m/bind {:for-training false
:data-shapes [{:name "data" :shape [1 c h w]}]})))
;; Loading Inception v3
(defonce inception-mod
(-> {:prefix (str model-dir "Inception-BN") :epoch 0}
;; Define the shape of input data and bind the name of the input layer
;; to "data"
(m/bind {:for-training false
:data-shapes [{:name "data" :shape [1 c h w]}]})))
The last step is to load the ImageNet labels that we downloaded before.
(defonce image-net-labels
(-> (str model-dir "/synset.txt")
(string/split #"\n")))
;; ImageNet 1000 Labels check
(assert (= 1000 (count image-net-labels)))
Preparing the Data
Our models expect the data to have the following shape [batch-size c h w]
: number of datapoints to feed - we will setbatch-size
here since we want to predict one image at a time and not batch themc
: number of color channels - Red, Green, Blue -3
: height of the image -244
: width of the image -244
We also need to normalize the image pixel values according to the way the different models were trained. In our case, we only need to subtract the mean (from the ImageNet dataset) color channels which are well known values.
(defn preprocess-img-mat
"Preprocessing steps on an `img-mat` from OpenCV to feed into the Model"
(-> img-mat
;; Resize image to (w, h)
(cv/resize! (cv/new-size w h))
;; Maps pixel values from [-128, 128] to [0, 127]
(cv/convert-to! cv/CV_8SC3 0.5)
;; Substract mean pixel values from ImageNet dataset
(cv/add! (cv/new-scalar -103.939 -116.779 -123.68))
;; Flatten matrix
;; Reshape to (1, c, h, w)
(ndarray/array [1 c h w])))
If you need a refresher on image manipulation and processing, it is covered in a previous post here.
We would like to make new predictions on images that we will feed to the models. The three models return an NDArray
of probabilities:
- 1000 values between
- The sum of these 1000 values is equal to
- Each index in the
corresponds to a label (Eg. Dog, Cat, Guitar, …)
We will look at the top k labels that the model returns for a given image.
(defn- top-k
"Return top `k` from prob-maps with :prob key"
[k prob-maps]
(->> prob-maps
(sort-by :prob)
(take k)))
(defn predict
"Predict with `model` the top `k` labels from `labels` of the ndarray `x`"
([model labels x]
(predict model labels x 5))
([model labels x k]
(let [probs (-> model
(m/forward {:data [x]})
prob-maps (mapv (fn [p l] {:prob p :label l}) probs labels)]
(top-k k prob-maps))))
To run the model, one only needs to use the m/forward
function to perform a forward pass.
Prediction Comparisons
We can now run the models on different images and look at the top 5 predictions to get a feel for how they perform.
(->> "images/cat2.jpg"
(predict inception-mod image-net-labels))
;({:prob 0.9669817, :label "n02124075 Egyptian cat"}
;{:prob 0.020066999, :label "n02123045 tabby, tabby cat"}
;{:prob 0.0071042357, :label "n02123159 tiger cat"}
;{:prob 0.005353994, :label "n02127052 lynx, catamount"}
;{:prob 4.658187E-5, :label "n02123597 Siamese cat, Siamese"})
(->> "images/cat2.jpg"
(predict vgg-16-mod image-net-labels))
;({:prob 0.9030159, :label "n02124075 Egyptian cat"}
;{:prob 0.05147686, :label "n02123045 tabby, tabby cat"}
;{:prob 0.024212556, :label "n02123159 tiger cat"}
;{:prob 0.0099070445, :label "n02127052 lynx, catamount"}
;{:prob 3.7205187E-4, :label "n04040759 radiator"})
(->> "images/dog2.jpg"
(predict inception-mod image-net-labels))
;({:prob 0.7363852, :label "n02110958 pug, pug-dog"}
;{:prob 0.23988461, :label "n02108422 bull mastiff"}
;{:prob 0.013495497, :label "n02108915 French bulldog"}
;{:prob 0.0019004685, :label "n02093428 American Staffordshire terrier, Staffordshire terrier, American pit bull terrier, pit bull terrier"}
;{:prob 0.0013417465, :label "n04409515 tennis ball"})
(->> "images/dog2.jpg"
(predict vgg-16-mod image-net-labels))
;({:prob 0.95628285, :label "n02110958 pug, pug-dog"}
;{:prob 0.02271582, :label "n02108422 bull mastiff"}
;{:prob 0.0075261267, :label "n02108915 French bulldog"}
;{:prob 0.0014686864, :label "n02086079 Pekinese, Pekingese, Peke"}
;{:prob 0.0012910544, :label "n02108089 boxer"})
(->> "images/guitarplayer2.jpg"
(predict inception-mod image-net-labels))
;({:prob 0.647201, :label "n03272010 electric guitar"}
;{:prob 0.3371953, :label "n04296562 stage"}
;{:prob 0.008809802, :label "n02676566 acoustic guitar"}
;{:prob 0.0024602208, :label "n02787622 banjo"}
;{:prob 0.0018765739, :label "n03759954 microphone, mike"})
(->> "images/guitarplayer2.jpg"
(predict vgg-16-mod image-net-labels))
;({:prob 0.73966444, :label "n03272010 electric guitar"}
;{:prob 0.105860166, :label "n04296562 stage"}
;{:prob 0.059584185, :label "n04141076 sax, saxophone"}
;{:prob 0.029627431, :label "n02787622 banjo"}
;{:prob 0.016049441, :label "n02676566 acoustic guitar"})
Overall the predictions look really good! Don’t you think?
Below is a summary of the predictions to compare how the different models perform on those images.
VGG16 | Inception v3 | |
Dog | 1. pug, pug-dog | 1. pug, pug-dog |
2. bull mastiff | 2. bull mastiff | |
3. French bulldog | 3. French bulldog | |
4. Pekinese, Pekingese, Peke | 4. American Staffordshire terrier, Staffordshire terrier, American pit bull terrier, pit bull terrier | |
5. boxer | 5. tennis ball | |
Cat | 1. Egyptian cat | 1. Egyptian cat |
2. tabby, tabby cat | 2. tabby, tabby cat | |
3. tiger cat | 3. tiger cat | |
4. lynx, catamount | 4. lynx, catamount | |
5. radiator | 5. Siamese cat, Siamese | |
Guitar Player | 1. electric guitar | 1. electric guitar |
2. stage | 2. stage | |
3. sax, saxophone | 3. acoustic guitar | |
4. banjo | 4. banjo | |
5. acoustic guitar | 5. microphone, mike |
Now you can use pretrained, state of the art Deep Learning Models for image classification. Most of the code is about data preparation. The actual prediction code is only 4 lines of code.
References and Resources
- ImageNet Challenge
- VGG16 Research Paper
- Inception v3 Research Paper
- MXNet Model Zoo
- An Introduction to the MXNet API - Part 4
- MXNet made simple: Image Manipulation with OpenCV and MXNet
- MXNet made simple: Clojure Symbol Visualization API
Here is also the code used in this post - also available in this repository
(ns mxnet-clj-tutorials.pretrained
"Tutorial on pretrained models with MXNet: Inception and VGG."
[clojure.string :as string]
[opencv4.core :as cv]
[opencv4.utils :as cvu]
[org.apache.clojure-mxnet.module :as m]
[org.apache.clojure-mxnet.ndarray :as ndarray]))
;;; Loading the Models
(def model-dir "model/")
(def h 224) ;; Image height
(def w 224) ;; Image width
(def c 3) ;; Number of channels: Red, Green, Blue
;; Pretrained Inception BN model loaded from disk
(defonce inception-mod
(-> {:prefix (str model-dir "Inception-BN") :epoch 0}
;; Define the shape of input data and bind the name of the input layer
;; to "data"
(m/bind {:for-training false
:data-shapes [{:name "data" :shape [1 c h w]}]})))
(defonce vgg-16-mod
(-> {:prefix (str model-dir "vgg16") :epoch 0}
;; Define the shape of input data and bind the name of the input layer
;; to "data"
(m/bind {:for-training false
:data-shapes [{:name "data" :shape [1 c h w]}]})))
;; ImageNet 1000 Labels
(defonce image-net-labels
(-> (str model-dir "/synset.txt")
(string/split #"\n")))
(assert (= 1000 (count image-net-labels)))
;;; Preparing the Data
(defn preprocess-img-mat
"Preprocessing steps on an `img-mat` from OpenCV to feed into the Model"
(-> img-mat
;; Resize image to (w, h)
(cv/resize! (cv/new-size w h))
;; Maps pixel values from [-128, 128] to [0, 127]
(cv/convert-to! cv/CV_8SC3 0.5)
;; Substract mean pixel values from ImageNet dataset
(cv/add! (cv/new-scalar -103.939 -116.779 -123.68))
;; Flatten matrix
;; Reshape to (1, c, h, w)
(ndarray/array [1 c h w])))
;;; Predicting
(defn- top-k
"Return top `k` from prob-maps with :prob key"
[k prob-maps]
(->> prob-maps
(sort-by :prob)
(take k)))
(defn predict
"Predict with `model` the top `k` labels from `labels` of the ndarray `x`"
([model labels x]
(predict model labels x 5))
([model labels x k]
(let [probs (-> model
(m/forward {:data [x]})
prob-maps (mapv (fn [p l] {:prob p :label l}) probs labels)]
(top-k k prob-maps))))
(->> "images/guitarplayer.jpg"
(predict inception-mod image-net-labels))
;({:prob 0.68194896, :label "n04296562 stage"}
;{:prob 0.06861413, :label "n03272010 electric guitar"}
;{:prob 0.04886661, :label "n10565667 scuba diver"}
;{:prob 0.044686787, :label "n03250847 drumstick"}
;{:prob 0.029348794, :label "n02676566 acoustic guitar"})
(->> "images/guitarplayer.jpg"
(predict vgg-16-mod image-net-labels))
;({:prob 0.31067622, :label "n03272010 electric guitar"}
;{:prob 0.14873363, :label "n04296562 stage"}
;{:prob 0.04211086, :label "n04141076 sax, saxophone"}
;{:prob 0.032480247, :label "n04536866 violin, fiddle"}
;{:prob 0.022555437, :label "n03110669 cornet, horn, trumpet, trump"})
(->> "images/guitarplayer2.jpg"
(predict inception-mod image-net-labels))
;({:prob 0.647201, :label "n03272010 electric guitar"}
;{:prob 0.3371953, :label "n04296562 stage"}
;{:prob 0.008809802, :label "n02676566 acoustic guitar"}
;{:prob 0.0024602208, :label "n02787622 banjo"}
;{:prob 0.0018765739, :label "n03759954 microphone, mike"})
(->> "images/guitarplayer2.jpg"
(predict vgg-16-mod image-net-labels))
;({:prob 0.73966444, :label "n03272010 electric guitar"}
;{:prob 0.105860166, :label "n04296562 stage"}
;{:prob 0.059584185, :label "n04141076 sax, saxophone"}
;{:prob 0.029627431, :label "n02787622 banjo"}
;{:prob 0.016049441, :label "n02676566 acoustic guitar"})
(->> "images/cat.jpg"
(predict inception-mod image-net-labels))
;({:prob 0.5226559, :label "n02119789 kit fox, Vulpes macrotis"}
;{:prob 0.14540964, :label "n02112018 Pomeranian"}
;{:prob 0.13845555, :label "n02119022 red fox, Vulpes vulpes"}
;{:prob 0.06784552, :label "n02120505 grey fox, gray fox, Urocyon cinereoargenteus"}
;{:prob 0.024868377, :label "n02441942 weasel"})
(->> "images/cat.jpg"
(predict vgg-16-mod image-net-labels))
;({:prob 0.41937035, :label "n02119789 kit fox, Vulpes macrotis"}
;{:prob 0.26819462, :label "n02119022 red fox, Vulpes vulpes"}
;{:prob 0.07655225, :label "n02124075 Egyptian cat"}
;{:prob 0.049807232, :label "n02123159 tiger cat"}
;{:prob 0.034435965, :label "n02123045 tabby, tabby cat"})
(->> "images/cat2.jpg"
(predict inception-mod image-net-labels))
;({:prob 0.9669817, :label "n02124075 Egyptian cat"}
;{:prob 0.020066999, :label "n02123045 tabby, tabby cat"}
;{:prob 0.0071042357, :label "n02123159 tiger cat"}
;{:prob 0.005353994, :label "n02127052 lynx, catamount"}
;{:prob 4.658187E-5, :label "n02123597 Siamese cat, Siamese"})
(->> "images/cat2.jpg"
(predict vgg-16-mod image-net-labels))
;({:prob 0.9030159, :label "n02124075 Egyptian cat"}
;{:prob 0.05147686, :label "n02123045 tabby, tabby cat"}
;{:prob 0.024212556, :label "n02123159 tiger cat"}
;{:prob 0.0099070445, :label "n02127052 lynx, catamount"}
;{:prob 3.7205187E-4, :label "n04040759 radiator"})
(->> "images/dog.jpg"
(predict inception-mod image-net-labels))
;({:prob 0.89285797, :label "n02110958 pug, pug-dog"}
;{:prob 0.06376573, :label "n04409515 tennis ball"}
;{:prob 0.01919549, :label "n03942813 ping-pong ball"}
;{:prob 0.014978847, :label "n02108422 bull mastiff"}
;{:prob 0.0012790044, :label "n02808304 bath towel"})
(->> "images/dog.jpg"
(predict vgg-16-mod image-net-labels))
;({:prob 0.96750915, :label "n02110958 pug, pug-dog"}
;{:prob 0.01833086, :label "n02108422 bull mastiff"}
;{:prob 0.005593519, :label "n04409515 tennis ball"}
;{:prob 0.0017559915, :label "n02108089 boxer"}
;{:prob 8.5579534E-4, :label "n02096585 Boston bull, Boston terrier"})
(->> "images/dog2.jpg"
(predict inception-mod image-net-labels))
;({:prob 0.7363852, :label "n02110958 pug, pug-dog"}
;{:prob 0.23988461, :label "n02108422 bull mastiff"}
;{:prob 0.013495497, :label "n02108915 French bulldog"}
;{:prob 0.0019004685, :label "n02093428 American Staffordshire terrier, Staffordshire terrier, American pit bull terrier, pit bull terrier"}
;{:prob 0.0013417465, :label "n04409515 tennis ball"})
(->> "images/dog2.jpg"
(predict vgg-16-mod image-net-labels))
;({:prob 0.95628285, :label "n02110958 pug, pug-dog"}
;{:prob 0.02271582, :label "n02108422 bull mastiff"}
;{:prob 0.0075261267, :label "n02108915 French bulldog"}
;{:prob 0.0014686864, :label "n02086079 Pekinese, Pekingese, Peke"}
;{:prob 0.0012910544, :label "n02108089 boxer"})